Nevada Knights Templar

The Grand Commandery Knights Templar 

of the State of Nevada

Welcomes you

SK Michael Fuhlendorf

 Right Eminent Grand Commander of the State of Nevada

2024 - 2025

Friends, Brothers, Companions, and Sir Knights, 


 And, welcome to the Knights Templar website for Knight Templar  Masons for the State of Nevada.  Knights Templar have been a part of the State of Nevada since 1867.  DeWitt-Clinton Commandery No. 1 was started in Virginia City, Nevada (given dispensation to open) on February 4th, 1867 and received its charter on September 15th, 1868.  (DeWitt-Clinton Commandery was later moved to Reno, Nevada in August of 1905.)  We now have 5 Knights Templar Commanderies in the State of Nevada (see Local Commanderies for a listing).

 Knight Templar Masonry is a part of the York Rite branch of Freemasonry and can only be joined after completing the "Blue Lodge" of Freemasonry and becoming a Master Mason.  The York Rite of Freemasonry includes three major areas that must be completed in order: 

York Rite Knight Templar Masonry is a continuation of the Blue Lodge and completes the process started as a Royal Arch Mason and as a Cryptic Mason.  The York Rite series of degrees culminate at the completion of the Knight Templar Orders.  

The basic description of the Knight Templar Orders are found on the KT Orders page.  For further information concerning Knight Templar Masonry in the State of Nevada, please contact us via the Contacts Page, see the About Us Page, or contact a Local Commandery.

 We look forward to your interest in the Knights Templar and hope that you will be contacting us soon to learn of how you can be a part of the York Rite of Freemasonry in Nevada.