
Grand Council Cryptic Masons of the State of Nevada

Committees for 2024-2025

Regular Committees


Bruce Nelson     (702) 242-0252

Christopher West (702) 600-8659

Thom Collins (775) 322-6648/846-5003 



Bedford Jackson (702) 374-6192

Sean Burke (703) 999-3901

Adrien Eriksen (925) 413-4812


Finance and Accounts

Jay Caturay     (702) 738-6334 

Romy Peruel     (702) 769-5424

Charles Barone     (702) 234-5335

William Palmer III (775) 857-9016


Richard Willson (702) 239-0413

Abraham Velasco (702) 

Stephen Robison, Jr. (775) 233-3349


Mark A. Marsh   (775) 220-6559/883-7803

James Kelley (702) 813-8550

Bruce Nelson      (702) 686-0095

Masonic Youth 

Bruce Nelson     (702) 242-0252

Keith Levenson

William Palmer III (775) 857-9016


Billy J. Barbie     (775) 741-8055/882-8109

Richard S. Legon (702) 808-8988

Skip Hammergren (775) 304-3599


Christopher West (702) 600-8659

Christopher West (702) 600-8659

Billy J. Barbie     (775) 741-8055/882-8109

Time and Place 

Michael Fuhlendorf     (775) 428-2268

Robert Peterson (775) 738-5453

Richard Willson (702) 239-0413

Chairman is the First Name Listed.


Richard S. Legon (702) 808-8988

& the Chaplain of each Council


Recognition of Grand Councils 

David J. Morgan     (775) 332-6511

Mark A. Marsh (775) 220-6559/883-7803

James Kelley (702) 813-8550


Unfinished Business 

Charles Barone     (702) 234-5335

Richard S. Legon (702) 808-8988

Billy J. Barbie     (775) 741-8055/882-8109


Michael Fuhlendorf (775) 428-2268

Christopher West (702) 600-8659

Bruce Nelson     (702) 242-0252


Craig Phillips (702) 336-1629

Charles Barone     (702) 234-5335

John Chandler (775) 450-1530

Special Committees

 Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation

Christopher West (702) 600-8659

With the Principal Conductor of Work of each Council

Life Membership Trustee

Thomas V. Hultin     (775) 846-7792


Kevin McCans (702) 273-0181

Stephen Robison, Jr. (775) 233-3349

Michael Fuhlendorf (775) 428-2268

Investment Committee 

Alan B. Power     (775) 450-8424    

Ted P. Bendure      (775) 220-9909

*David J. Morgan     (775) 332-6511       (ex-officio as Treasurer)

 Strategic Planning

Michael Fuhlendorf (775) 428-2268

Christopher West (702) 600-8659

Bruce Nelson     (702) 242-0252

Chairman is the First Name Listed.

 *(to observe only - non-voting member)