Building our Strategic Plan
This is the Strategic Planning information for Grand York Rite - Nevada. It is shown below in accordance with the numbers listed.
1 - Background - A write-up as to how Strategic Planning works.
2 - Values - Mission - Vision - States what our Value\Beliefs are for Grand York Rite. Then, states our current Mission and our future Vision for York Rite - Nevada
3 - SWOT Analysis - Shows our final analysis, by the team, of our Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T) - SWOT
4 - List of Problems - Consolidated from SWOT, this is the List of Problems that our organization needs to work to resolve.
5 - Completed Problem Methodology Worksheets - Completed Worksheets with Problem, Research, Recommendations, Action Plan, and Follow-up. Used to update our List of Problems.
6 - Work Background/Information - Information on any work done on any of the Problems - for reference and further use.
7 - Problem Methodology Worksheet - A sheet that provides a framework for addressing the individual problems on the List of Problems (identified in 4).
8 - Information - General Information posted for review by all.
Also, for reference, please see the Strategic Plan work done by Carson Lodge at