Links of Interest
Freemason Links:
Grand Lodge of Nevada - Official site of the State of Nevada
General Information
Freemasons Hall - A site with a lot of background information on Freemasonry
Myths, Origins & History of Freemasonry @ Executive Gift Shoppes
For Further reading
(Candidates should complete the Blue Lodge degree process before reading information in this section.)
Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry - Moral Teachings & Degrees
Freemason Information (Home of the Masonic Central Pod Cast)
Pietres Stone (The Masonic Magazine where Freemasons find educational material for Masonic lodge lectures and their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge after initiation)
Phoenix Masonry (An organization exhibiting Masonic Documents, lectures, and objects in a historical context)
(Phoenix Masonic education links)
Masonic World (A good place for information, education and masonic software)
Masonic Info (Anti-Masonry Points of View)
Grand Lodge of British Columbia - Yukon (A website designed to answer just about any question you might have about Freemasonry)
Masonic Lodge of Education (A website devoted to explaining some of the less known facts about Freemasonry)
Manly P. Hall Information:
Manly P. Hall's Book - "The Secret Teachings of All Ages"
Another version - "The Secret Teachings of All Ages"
Philosophical Research Society
Egyptian Lore:
From Audrey's Ancient Egypt - "Ancient Egypt and the Constellations"
Forgotten Books:
Macoy Publishing
Lewis Masonic Publishing
Sacred Texts Site
Trestle Board Articles
Carson Lodge No. 1
National Appendant Bodies:
York Rite - National Level - Links
General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons International
R.A.R.A. for Central Auditory Processing Disorders
(our RA Charity)
General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons International
Cryptic Masons - Medical Research Foundation (CMMRF)
(our CM Charity)
Grand Encampment Knights Templar
Knights Templar Eye Foundation
(our KT Charity)
Other Grand Encampment Links:
The Chapel for Departed Sir Knights
KT Magazine Links:
G.E. Knight Templar Magazine Link
G.E. Knight Templar Magazine Link to Nevada Supplement
York Rite Conference Links:
Southwest York Rite Conference
Scottish Rite Links:
Scottish Rite Northern Juristiction
Scottish Rite - Southern Juristiction
Current Uniform Source Recommendations
(click on the name below to be redirected to the website)
For Chapter Coats
For Council Coats
For Templar Uniforms
George Lauter Fraternal Supplies
Knight Templar Swords
Or, for Beginning Sir Knights
Or, from the MAAC
Our Preferred Source for Pins & Uniform Accessories
Phone -520-325-1122 or 800-758-5890
email -